China as a role model in Clean Energy Development

Panama is experiencing changes in State policies, bringing as a consequence mega works for the growth and development of our small country.

It is always wise to learn from the best to ensure success in any project, which is why this time our eyes are on China as an example to follow for the development of clean energy in our region.

China is experiencing substantial growth and is the world leader in renewable energy, increasing its wind and solar energy forecasts by an impressive 43% (380GW) in the coming years, which differentiates it from other markets that are reducing their renewable energy targets.

The renewable energy giant is seen as a major player in the global transition to clean energy, with more than 80% of global solar manufacturing capacity planned in China through 2026 and the capacity to meet much of the world's demand over the next decade.

In the renewable energy sector, the entire region, not just Panama, should be made aware of the need to invest in and promote the construction and operation of new energy power plants such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, tidal, current and wave energy.

Ing. Edgar González


* Carta de intención a nombre PETROPANAMA HOLDING CORP
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